Project Viability Grant awarded!

Newlyn FISH Trust recently heard that our application to the Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) for a Project Viability Grant has been successful!

The purpose of the £15,000 grant is to enable us to engage professionals to help us test the viability of our ambitious proposals for Newlyn’s Former Ice works, culminating in the production of a Project Viability Report, which will then inform an application for project development funding.

Typically, a Project Viability Appraisal funded by the AHF involves assessing the following.

  • The condition of the building and how it can be restored in a way that is appropriate to its historic character and fabric (by an Architect or Surveyor with experience in heritage buildings).
  • How the building can be sensitively adapted to accommodate potential uses (by an Architect with a successful track record in adapting heritage buildings, plus a Structural Engineer may also be needed to help assess repair issues).
  • The likely cost of restoring and adapting the building (outline costs provided by a Quantity Surveyor).
  • The cost of further work needed to develop the project proposals to the point where capital funding can be accessed
  • The future use of the building, taking into account demand, need and support for the uses being considered, whether they would generate sufficient income to support operational and building maintenance costs in the long-term, and whether they would be approved by the Local Planning Authority (likely to involve market research, public and stakeholder consultation, initial/outline business case, investigating likelihood of Planning Permission/ Listed Building Consent)
  • How the cost of restoring and adapting the building could be funded, taking into account how a funder would view the uses proposed (likely to require research into funding options/an initial fundraising strategy).
  • Property valuation and Conservation Deficit calculation (by a Surveyor who is a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors).

The Architectural Heritage Fund have provided us with a consultant who will help us draw up a specification for this work and bring a team of professionals together to assess the various aspects.

As Trustees, we will continue to update and involve our local community and partner organisations as we move forward with this stage of our ambitious project.