Our starting point in 2019
Brought together by founder member Rich Stever’s enthusiasm for reviving the ambition of a heritage centre for Newlyn, during the Spring of 2019 we started to build a foundation of interest and support amongst local people and potential partner organisations.
- Community meeting and presentation held at St Peter’s Church;
- Contact list started of local people expressing an interest;
- Letters of Support received from some key partners;
- Market and funding research conducted;
- Potential Trustees and required skill sets identified.
Charity status achieved
Later that year, Newlyn Fishing, Industry and Seafarers Heritage (FISH) Trust was constituted, initial Trustees were appointed and an application made to the Charity Commission, and in April 2020 the Trust was approved as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Reg.1188966).
![Logo of Newlyn Fishing, Industry, Seafarers Heritage (FISH) Trust](https://newlynfishtrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/FISHbanner-slide-image-1024x202.png)
![Fishing News article 21st May 2020 about Newlyn FISH Trust getting Charity status](https://newlynfishtrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Fishing-News-article-21st-May-2020-600-x-400-px.jpg)
Push forward during 2020
During 2020, despite the pandemic, we continued to develop ourselves as a charitable trust and to push forward with our ambition to create a landmark venue for telling Newlyn’s story, provisionally named ‘Newlyn FISH Centre’.
- Trustee role descriptions confirmed;
- Privacy Policy adopted;
- List of Contacts confirmed in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR);
- Newlyn FISH Centre Project Outline prepared by Trustees.
- RIBA Stage 0 Report prepared (pro bono) by architects, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, assessing potential locations for Newlyn FISH Centre;
- Online ‘Survey Monkey’ conducted to test local and partner organisation views on best location.
Survey Monkey results
Sixty-four people completed our online survey on the best location for the Newlyn FISH Centre (45 members of the public; 18 from potential partner organisations; 1 unspecified).
The survey results were very clear.
Of the 61 participants who answered Question 1:
- 90% chose the Former Ice Works as the best location for Newlyn FISH Centre;
- 8% chose Island Stores;
- 2% chose a new build within vicinity of the harbour.
Of the 54 who answered Question 2:
- 93% said ‘yes’ to Newlyn Old Quay forming part of the Newlyn FISH Centre experience;
- 70% said ‘yes’ to the Ocean Pride Restoration Project at Sandy Cove also being included.
Former Ice Works chosen as preferred location
After considering the results of the Survey Monkey and the Architects (RIBA 0) Assessment of the various locations, the Trust has chosen the port’s Former Ice Works as its preferred location for Newlyn FISH Centre (subject to feasibility study).
Towards the end of 2020, we opened discussions about the potential for acquiring the building with the owners, who have responded with a (non-binding) agreement in principle.
The Trust is currently in the process of seeking funding for a Project Viability Survey in order to assess the building’s suitability and potential.
Look out for future updates
As we move forward, we will continue to keep you updated on our progress.